ZANZIBAR MAISHA BORA Foundation (ZMBF) Vacancy Opportunity, October 2023 – Ajira Nasi


Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) was established and  registered under the Zanzibar Societies Act, No. 6 of 1995 with  registration number Z0000119446, in 2021 by the First Lady of Zanzibar, Her Excellency Madam Mariam H. Mwinyi, Wife of the President of Zanzibar, His Excellency Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi.  The overall purpose of the foundation is to enhance the quality of life amongst Zanzibaris. The Foundation seeks to empower women and youth socially and economically in line with the national and international development frameworks, some mentioned earlier on. The Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) serve as a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people of Zanzibar. It might focus on various aspects such as healthcare, education, community development, poverty alleviation, and social welfare programs. ZMBF undertake initiatives aimed at enhancing healthcare services in Zanzibar. This include supporting medical facilities, providing medical supplies, organizing health camps, and promoting health awareness and disease prevention among the local population. In the realm of education, the foundation  concentrate on improving access to quality education for children and young adults in Zanzibar. This involve initiatives such as building schools, providing educational resources, offering scholarships, and supporting educational programs to enhance literacy and educational standards. Community development is another pivotal focus. ZMBF initiate projects geared towards infrastructure development, clean water access, and economic empowerment within communities. This could involve activities promoting sustainable practices, vocational training, and support for small businesses. ZMBF prioritize poverty alleviation programs, aiming to provide assistance to underprivileged individuals and families. This might involve offering financial support, vocational training, or microfinance initiatives to empower locals economically.

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