ADC Tanzania Limited is registered and licensed to operate in Tanzania. It is a sister company to ADC Rwanda which has been operating in Rwanda since 2006. ADC was formed after observing the gaps in most businesses in Rwanda and Tanzania that affect business growth and sustainable performance. Such gaps called for the need to consider provision of Business Development Service aiming to transform businesses in the two countries to achieve sustainable growth and performance. Our VisionĀ is to become a partner of choice in business transformation and value creation across East Africa Region. Our mission is to support enterprises by providing innovative solutions for sustainable business growth. Our target customers are MSMEs, Cooperatives mainly in agribusiness value chain, banks, and financial institutions. ADC predominantly targets youth and women MSMEs to address major challenge of unemployment in the region and improve their lives and livelihoods. In achieving its vision, ADC has been working with like-minded Development Partners, Government, and the private Sector through supporting them in executing various initiatives and programmes that target the same customers. Among other partners is the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) in the implementation of its programmes that promote development of small holder agricultural producer groups, small-scale agribusinesses, and SMEs. Under this partnership, USADF and ADC have been able to create significant impact on various businesses across Tanzania and Rwanda in the areas of energy, agricultural farming and processing of paddy, avocado, coffee and maize, aquaculture, trading, etc. Besides the work under the USADF Cooperative Agreement and under the Ministry of agriculture projects, ADC accumulated experiences in provision of Business Advisory Services that include USAID/ Private Sector Driven Agriculture Growth (PSDAG); USAID/ Land Oā€™ Lakes, Inc.

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