The BFS TANZANIA LIMITED (BFS) is a company incorporated in 2017 under Tanzanian laws intending to provide financial services to micro and medium entrepreneurs as one of the objectives of the company. The service offered includes credit and business mentorship. However, credit components are the core activity that BFS TANZANIA LIMITED deals with. Our Vision, To be the leading institution in provision of precision customer focused Microfinance services in the country. Our Mission, to establish an institution that uses modern technology and innovation to improve businesses and quality of lives of the people through provision of quality services in Microfinance industry. Our Core Values, the culture at BFS is guarded daily by the following core values, espoused by each team member: Timely delivery of services. Time is of essence; in the pursuit of all activities of the company time will be given priority. Integrity Dishonest, corruption and any form of lack of integrity will not be given space in all life time of the company’s operations. All hands of the company management and staffs will be joined together towards achieving the targeted objectives of the company. Time, quality and budget will guide all the company undertakings. Customers are the fundamental stakeholders of the company businesses, in any way they should be given the value they deserve.

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