MEND E. A. LIMITED (Mend) is a limited liability company dealing with a range of services. It centres itself into its human capital to deliver the best services ever to its clientele and make sure that the clients’ business grow and the company itself gain more experience. Experience, knowledge and technical knowhow of the people running the company is the key to the value of the services delivered. Our Experience, We boasts our experience and knowledge in a multispectral consulting areas from our professional teams. The company has professionals with vast experience in different areas like Human Resources and management, Advocates and other Legal professionals, trainers, accountants and other areas. Mend team has a combined experience of more than ten years of business consultancy. Areas of practice, We are engaged in providing consultancy services in deferent areas such as; Human Resources processes. Our HR services cover many aspects including but not limited to; Recruitment processes (pre-during-after) – training, risk assessment etc, HR Management, Personal files reconciliation, Social security/WCF/TRA compliance, Career adverts and pool of relevant qualification for employers etc, Demobilization, HR outsourcing, Handling of disciplinary hearing.

The company is hiring the below job posts on behalf for its reputable clients in telecommunications and manufacturing/construction industries. For more information about these vacancies opportunities announced and how to apply please download attachment PDF document below


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