City Engineering CO LTD (CECL) is incorporated by BRELA with a certificate of incorporation No 50109. CECL is a company that provides engineering and environmental services registered in Tanzania and 100% owned by Tanzanians. It is registered by NEMC in the category of Environmental Services (Reg No NEMC/EIA/0032 and NEMC/EA/0012), ERB as Consulting firm in the field of Environmental Engineering (Reg No. 233), and the Department of Water Resources in the Ministry of Water as a firm with Approved Professional Persons (APP). CECL is also a member of the Tanzania Chamber of Mines, the American Chamber of Commerce in Tanzania, and a signatory of the UN Global Compact Initiative. Compliance, fairness, and transparency are the backbone of CECL operations and they are adopted into CECL day-to-day operations by policies and procedures. These include: Code of ethics and conduct: Human rights, anti-bribery and corruption, gifts, hospitality, and sponsorships. Employment policies on general human resources: Anti-child employment, grievance management, drug and alcohol, workforce abuse, discrimination and harassment, professional development, and consultant grading Safety: Occupational health and environment for employees, clients, and visitors. Quality control and quality assurance. Finance management and compliance: CECL has maintained compliance in financial reporting per the International and Tanzanian Financial and Tax laws. Local content development and performance as per requirements of the Mining Commission and EWURA. Medical and professional indemnity insurances for all employees.

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