African Social Protection and Development Initiatives is not for profit, Non partisan, Non Governmental Organization registered in the United Republic of Tanzania under Act Na.24 of 2002 on 22rd December, 2021 with Registration number 00NGO/R/2731 to operate within Tanzania mainland. The Organization team and management has undergone various organization on the job training, technical capacity building of personnel and internal administrative functions, including monitoring and evaluation and institutional funding and donor compliance to enhance their capacity on program management and financial management including improvement of management systems. Through our work we are aiming to safeguard Children, people with Special needs, social norms and the inequality between men and girls in access to services, resources and power. African Social Protection and Development Initiatives   believe that if we fail to specifically address child and girls’ rights our poverty eradication efforts for girls, but also for men and the wider community will be ineffective, at best, and harmful, at worst.  African Social Protection and Development Initiatives use Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to development in all its course of program designs and implementation. African Social Protection and Development Initiatives HRBA to Development’ is guided by the principle that child, Girls and key vulnerable population are at the heart of our programmes. This entails concerted efforts to mainstream key vulnerable populations including child and girl’s protection and gender issues both internally and across all programmes and interventions. Through our work we aim to confront the domination of men over girls and the inequality between men and girls in access to services, resources and power.

For more information about these vacancies announced and how ta apply, please download attachment PDF document below


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