Stamigold Company Limited, New Vacancies Opportunities – June 2023


Stamigold Company Limited is a mining company based in Tanzania that focuses on gold exploration, mining, and production. Established in 2013, the company operates in the Geita region, which is known for its rich gold deposits. Stamigold is a subsidiary of the State Mining Corporation (STAMICO), a government-owned entity responsible for managing the country’s mining sector. The company’s primary asset is the Stamigold Biharamulo Mine, which is an underground gold mine located in the Biharamulo district. The mine has significant gold reserves and employs modern mining techniques to extract and process the ore. Stamigold’s operations aim to maximize gold recovery and ensure sustainable mining practices. As a responsible mining company, Stamigold places importance on environmental management, safety, and social responsibility. The company adheres to strict environmental standards, implements measures to mitigate any potential environmental impacts, and promotes community development initiatives in the areas surrounding its operations. This includes supporting local education, healthcare, and infrastructure projects to improve the livelihoods of nearby communities. Stamigold’s commitment to excellence and professionalism has earned it recognition and accolades within the mining industry. The company strives to contribute to Tanzania’s economic growth and development by generating revenue through gold production and providing employment opportunities. The company aims to expand its operations, explore new areas for potential mineral resources, and contribute to the sustainable development of the country’s mining industry.

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