RAFIKI SDO, New Vacancies Opportunities – May 2023


Rafiki Social Development Organization (RASDO) is a non-profit organization based in Tanzania that is committed to promoting sustainable social and economic development in the country. Established in 2005, RASDO operates in several regions of Tanzania, including Mwanza, Shinyanga, and Kagera, where it works to improve the well-being of vulnerable individuals and communities through a range of programs and initiatives. RASDO’s mission is to empower individuals and communities to achieve sustainable social and economic development through education, training, and community-based initiatives. To achieve this mission, RASDO has implemented various programs that focus on education and skills training, health and nutrition, community development, and environmental conservation. One of RASDO’s flagship programs is the Rafiki Women’s Group, which provides education and skills training to women to help them become financially independent and self-sufficient. Through the program, women are equipped with practical skills such as tailoring, beadwork, and soap-making, which enable them to earn an income and provide for their families. RASDO also operates a Child Sponsorship Program, which supports vulnerable children’s education and well-being in Tanzania. The program provides school fees, uniforms, and other educational materials to ensure that children have access to quality education and a healthy upbringing. In addition to these programs, RASDO is dedicated to promoting environmental conservation in Tanzania. Through its Environmental Conservation Program, RASDO educates local communities on sustainable resource management and environmental protection practices.

For more information about these vacancies announced and how to apply please download attachment PDF document below.


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