Kibaha District Council (KDC), New Vacancies Opportunities – May 2023


Kibaha District Council is a local government authority located in the Pwani Region of Tanzania. Situated approximately 40 kilometers west of Dar es Salaam, the district encompasses a diverse range of communities, including both urban and rural areas. Kibaha District Council plays a pivotal role in governing and providing essential services to its residents, focusing on improving their quality of life and promoting sustainable development. Education is a key priority for Kibaha District Council, and it works diligently to ensure access to quality education for all residents. The council establishes and maintains schools, from primary to secondary level, and collaborates with relevant stakeholders to enhance educational facilities and promote academic excellence. It also supports vocational training programs to equip students with practical skills for employment. Kibaha District Council recognizes the importance of agriculture as a significant economic sector in the region. It supports farmers by providing training, agricultural inputs, and access to markets. The council encourages sustainable farming practices, facilitates irrigation schemes, and promotes value addition to agricultural products, contributing to food security and economic growth in the district.The council is also committed to improving infrastructure, including roads, water supply systems, and electricity networks. By investing in infrastructure development, Kibaha District Council aims to enhance transportation, access to clean water, and energy supply, thereby fostering economic activities and improving the living conditions of its residents.

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